Objective: This study was aimed at identifying predictive factors of complications\nduring vaginal delivery on scarred uterus. Methodology: During 9 months, from\nOctober 1st, 2015 to June 30th, 2016, a case control study was carried out at the\nYaound�© Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital. Eighty nine women each with a\nsingle scarred uterus who presented with complications during delivery (cases) were\ncompared to eighty nine others who had a successfully trial of scar (control) during\nthe study period. Data were analyzed using the CSPro version 6.0 and SPSS version\n20.0 softwares with statistical significance set at P < 0.05. Results: We recruited 2\ngroups of 89 women, aged 17 to 40 years, with an average age of 29.05 years. The\nmajority of women with complications were married (50.6%) and unemployed\n(42.8%). Following univariate analysis, predictive factors of complications were:\nprematurity (OR = 7.4), post-term (OR = 13.7), no history of vaginal delivery on\nscarred uterus (OR = 4.3), inter-pregnancy spacing period greater than 60 months\n(five years) (OR = 2.9), History of caesarian delivery indicated for cephalo-pelvic\ndisproportion (OR = 6.6), less than four ante-natal consultations (OR = 3.6), antenatal\nconsultations done in a Health Centre (OR = 2.7), ante-natal follow up conducted\nby a nurse (OR = 2.4; IC = [1.2 - 4.7]), referral from a different health unit\n(OR = 4.4, IC = 2.0 - 9.4), a Bishop score less than 7 on admission (OR = 12.4, IC = 5.6\n- 27.4), a meconium stained amniotic fluid (OR = 9.9; CI = [3.6 - 26.8]). After logistic\nregression, the retained factors associated with complications were post-term (aOR =\n34.5), absence of vaginal birth after caesarian delivery, (aOR = 11.7), previous caesarean\nsection indicated for cephalo-pelvic disproportion (aOR = 6.1), a bishop score\nless than 7 (aOR = 12.0), meconium stained amniotic fluid (aOR = 13.6). Conclusion:\nPredictive factors of complications can help anticipate negative obstetric outcomes.